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Basic Information

First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Email address *
LinkedIn Profile URL
Mobile Number
Information required if you wish to set 2-step verification

My Goals

My business idea is about *
Please provide general info such as an app for tourism, or a platform for football lovers, etc... If you don't have an idea simply state N/A
Where I am at the moment *
My goals and objectives in the short and long term are.. *
I am ready to start in... *

My Ideal Business Partner

I'm looking for *
The type of person I'm looking for in a business partner is *
The skills, personal qualities and/or qualifications I'm looking for in my business partner are... *

About Myself

My personal statement *
Briefly describe yourself
I am...
My Profile Picture *
Maximum file size: 1 MB

My Background Picture
Maximum file size: 2 MB

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Only lower case letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9) are allowed. Minimum of 5 Characters.
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